Thursday, March 7, 2019

March 7th

Hello Quest Families!
Here is the latest news.

Spring Conferences
Our conferences will take place on April 3rd and 4th.  These conferences will look different from our student-led conferences in the Fall.  During your 15 minute time slot, you will be meeting with both Mrs. Williams and Mr. Taylor.  Your student is encouraged to attend this meeting, but not required.  If you have time before or after this meeting, your student will be able to share some of their work with you.

Campaign Project
Students will be wrapping up their Campaign Projects this week.  This project included a persuasive piece, a slogan and logo (our "slogos") and a project about a choice topic and its affect on the Earth.  We will be presenting these projects to our classmates next Friday.

Weather and Data Unit
We are starting a new unit next week that will include collecting and analyzing weather data. Our project for this unit will be a weather show that students will be completing in groups.

Reading Books
For the months of March and April, we will be reading the following books.  We previously read Blood on the River by Elisa Carbone.  These four books will help us continue our study of "Three Worlds Meet." (The study of Europe, Africa, and the First Nations on the American continent)

Image result for the mighty miss maloneImage result for day of tearsImage result for In the footsteps of crazy horseImage result for heart and soul book

Boston Field Trip
On May 30th, our team will be traveling to Boston for the day.  We are always excited to have volunteer chaperones on this trip.  Please let us know if you are interested in chaperoning.  Here are the directions for how to apply to be a chaperone, as mandated by the district.

May 17

Emily's concrete poem about Phillis Wheatley Skyler's portrait of Thomas Paine SBAC Phew! We finished our SBAC testing thi...