Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Holiday Feast and other notes

Hello Quest Families!

Thank you to all who attended student conferences before Thanksgiving break.  It is always nice to see you all.  In two weeks, we will have the Holiday Feast!

Quest Feast Each year, the Quest Team has a holiday feast to celebrate our community and the winter holidays.  We ask each student on the Quest Team to bring in a sample (4-6 servings) dish that their family enjoys eating – perhaps something traditional – and we have a big potluck lunch.  Students sign up for entertaining with singing, instrumental pieces, or other forms of appropriate entertainment.  The feast is held in the Quest Team's classrooms.  Family members are welcome!  Each student is expected to bring a dish, a drink such as cider or juice, a dessert, or paper products like plates, forks and knives (and napkins).  Please email Melissa Williams with what you can bring.  We ask everyone to bring something to contribute to our community.  

Here is a link for more information.  

Winter Weather Clothing: With winter weather here, please help your student to remember snow boots, snow pants, hats and mittens for their lunch recess.

Assessment Feedback:  If you are interested in seeing the comments on your student's work, you will need to ask them to log into Otus.  They can click on assessments, and then click on the particular assessment you would like to review with them. Then, you would click on the small speech bubble.  We apologize that this is an extra step, but if you are interested, it will allow you to see the results of their assignments more clearly.  Most assignments have written feedback in addition to the score.  Please do not hesitate to email if you have any questions.

May 17

Emily's concrete poem about Phillis Wheatley Skyler's portrait of Thomas Paine SBAC Phew! We finished our SBAC testing thi...